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Coupons Wanted
Below is a list of coupons that members are looking for. Review the list to see which types
of coupons you have that others want. Click a column heading to sort on that column.

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Category Qty Want Entered Name
Enfamil formula
Baby 1 Normal Sep-13-15 Kaitlin1786
werthers 1 off
Food 1 Extreme Sep-11-15 vann77
1 off 2 7 up products
Beverages 1 Normal Sep-11-15 vann77
bounty 50 cents
Household 1 Extreme Sep-11-15 vann77
any high value
Beverages 1 Extreme Sep-11-15 vann77
Food 1 Extreme Sep-11-15 vann77
suave kids shampoo
Personal Care 1 Extreme Sep-11-15 vann77
Personal Care 1 Extreme Sep-11-15 vann77
Personal Care 1 Extreme Sep-11-15 vann77
loreal excellence dye
Personal Care 1 Extreme Sep-11-15 vann77
head and shoulders
Personal Care 1 Normal Sep-11-15 vann77
any dye, and scent free laundry detergent
Household 6 Normal Aug-13-15 KouponKat
cobani yogurt
Food 6 Normal Aug-13-15 KouponKat
caress body wash $1/1
Personal Care 10 Normal Aug-11-15 tee
huggies wipes $1/2 or .50/1
Baby 20 Extreme Aug-11-15 tee
angel soft $1/1
Household 10 High Aug-11-15 tee
Angel Soft toilet paper coupon 1.00 off
Personal Care 3 Normal Jul-08-15 Dixie323
SheaMoisture Products
Personal Care 6 High Jun-01-15 MsKarina7
Coffee mate .55 tearpad
Beverages 10 High May-30-15 Kell000
Beverages 1 Normal May-28-15 oscarray
Other 1 Normal May-28-15 oscarray
Breyers Gelato
Food 1 High May-08-15 He2577
any cat food treats
Pets 10 High May-07-15 siamesecat
Health 6 Normal May-07-15 siamesecat
Health 10 High May-07-15 siamesecat
Garnier Shampoo
Personal Care 2 Normal May-07-15 Brandie
Glade Products Any
Household 2 Normal May-07-15 Brandie
Gain Liquid Laundry Detergent
Household 2 Normal May-07-15 Brandie
El Monterey Burritos
Food 2 Normal May-06-15 Brandie
Banquet brand products
Food 10 Extreme May-06-15 Brandie
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