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Value %Off Unit/Cost Expires Units Req. Fee Category Qty Owned Owner
 Draw Something Game (Mfg)
$5.00 Apr-21-13 1 Toys 3 jenpie76

 My Little Pony Walkin Talkin Pinkie Pie or Princess Cadence (Mfg)
$5.00 Apr-21-13 1 Toys 2 jenpie76

 Words with friends game (Mfg)
$5.00 Apr-21-13 1 Toys 3 jenpie76

 Baby Alive Yummy Treat Baby Doll or Party Baby doll (Mfg)
$5.00 Apr-21-13 1 Toys 2 jenpie76

 Kre-O Transformers Beast Blade Optimus Prime (Mfg)
$5.00 Apr-21-13 1 Toys 2 jenpie76

 Furby Toy (Mfg)
$5.00 Apr-21-13 1 Toys 3 jenpie76

$1.00 Mar-31-15 1 0.10 Toys 7 JeanKane1975

$1.00 Mar-31-15 1 0.10 Toys 2 JeanKane1975

 Buy One Daisy Plays with me Kitty or Trixie Skateboarding Pup toy from Hasbro and One Duracell Quantum AA or AAA 6 or Coppertop AA or AAA 8 or C or D 4. (Mfg)
$5.00 Oct-31-13 1 Toys 1 Juavon

$1.00 Mar-31-15 1 0.10 Toys 6 JeanKane1975

 Kreo transformers battle for energon building set (Mfg)
$5.00 Jan-13-13 1 Toys 1 mitzybelle

 $5.00 off any Nerf Rebelle product $9.99 or up (Mfg)
$5.00 May-01-14 1 Toys 6 katbur2

 on LeapFrog Explorer cartridge games over $21 (Mfg)
        not valid on LeapPad Ultra eBooks or online purchases
$5.00 Oct-31-13 1 Toys 2 RyansMom

 save $15 off Yankee Candle purchase of $35 or more (yankee candle)
$15.00 Oct-27-13 1 Toys 1 hopshing

 Crayola digital light designer toy (Target)
$4.00 Dec-31-12 1 Toys 2 msb

 off crayola arts & crafts kit (target)
        sketchers projector or marker airbrush
$2.00 Dec-31-12 1 Toys 2 msb

 Care Bears Plush figure from Hasbro (Mfg)
        one coupon per purchase
$5.00 Apr-21-13 1 Toys 2 jenpie76

 Playskool Heroes Toys Rescue Bots, Marvel superhero basic vehicle or spiderman basic vehicle (Mfg)
$2.00 Apr-21-13 1 Toys 1 jenpie76

 Bop It Game (Mfg)
        **excludes USAopoly, winning moves, travel, card, or electronic versions
$3.00 Apr-21-13 1 Toys 2 jenpie76

 Twister Game (Mfg)
        *excludes usaopoly,winning moves,travel,card, or electronic version
$3.00 Apr-21-13 1 Toys 2 jenpie76

 Transformers Beast Hunter's Toy (Mfg)
        ** When you spend $10.00/more
$3.00 Apr-21-13 1 Toys 2 jenpie76

 Furreal Friends Snuggimals Walkin Ponies Pet (Mfg)
$3.00 Apr-21-13 1 Toys 2 jenpie76

 Monopoly Electronic Banking Game and 8 pk Duracel (Mfg)
        Buy game & Batteries get $5.00 off
$5.00 Jan-31-13 1 Toys 1 cthorpe1643

 Purchase either Scrabble Catch Phrase or Taboo Game (Mfg)
$5.00 Jan-31-13 1 Toys 1 cthorpe1643

 Transformers Bot Shots Launchers (Mfg)
        one coupn per item
$2.00 Apr-21-13 2 Toys 2 jenpie76

 Hot wheels or matchbox 5 pk (Target)
$1.00 Sep-01-12 1 Toys 2 mitzybelle

 Micro Drifters vehicles 3pk (Target)
$0.50 Sep-01-12 1 Toys 2 mitzybelle

 my first crayola easy grip color pencils (Mfg)
$0.50 Dec-31-13 1 Toys 10 reckynb

 Crayola Accessory or refill Item (Melt'n Mold Factory, or Marker Airbrush, or Marker Maker) (Target)
$1.00 Nov-02-13 1 Toys 20 LadyNoLife

 my first crayola watercolors (Mfg)
$0.50 Dec-31-13 1 Toys 10 reckynb

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