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Value %Off Unit/Cost Expires Units Req. Fee Category Qty Owned Owner
 Xtreme 3 or Skintimate razors (Mfg)
$600.00 Jun-27-20 2 Personal Care 1 Debra

 any ONE (1) TYLENOL Cold or TYLENOL Sinus product (Mfg)
$200.00 Feb-29-20 1 0.55 Personal Care 19 AMThomas205

 Coppertone suncare (Mfg)
$200.00 Jun-30-11 1 Personal Care 1 pebblestx321

 Cortizone 10 products (Mfg)
$100.00 Sep-30-11 1 Health 1 s_watters

 Transferable $100.00 gift certificate toward final bill when staying at the Biltmore Estate in North Carolina (Mfg)
        I'd rather someone benefit than to have expire! Enjoy
$100.00 Mar-31-11 1 Entertainment 1 leavlsqz

 Ponds cream (Mfg)
$100.00 Apr-21-13 1 Personal Care 1 Sarie

 Superpretzel Free item, no max value listed, no expiration (Mfg)
        I have 2, want to trade for different free item coupons
$100.00 No Expr. 1 Food 2 Bwittwer

 MarkTen Free E-Vapor Device (Mfg)
$100.00 Sep-30-14 1 Other 1 mitzybelle

 Alavert prod (Mfg)
$100.00 May-12-13 1 Health 1 Sarie

 COACH In-Store Coupon (Mfg)
        $100 Towards next purchase of $300 or More. Coach Retail Store only US, Canada and Puerto Rico.
$100.00 Jun-20-11 1 10.00 Other 1 MichieFig

 Smart Source 1/11 (Mfg)
$100.00 Feb-28-15 1 2.00 Other 4 vaca

 on an annual supply purchase of contact lenses (Pearle Vision)
$85.00 No Expr. 1 Other 1 vjross

 Off All Eye Glasses & RxSUN (Mfg)
        any frame, any lens, any prescription
$75.00 Dec-03-06 1 1.00 Personal Care 1 Maryz

 one TIDE detergent or DOWNY (Mfg)
        excludes trial/travel size or Tide Pods
$75.00 Aug-31-12 1 Laundry 1 walkerly

 $70 off your purchase of $150 or more (New York & Company)
        Visit at Checkout use Promo Code:1717
$70.00 Jun-13-11 1 Clothes 1 MichieFig

 $60 off your purchase of $125 or more (New York & Company)
        Visit at Checkout use Promo Code:6495
$60.00 Jun-20-11 1 Clothes 1 MichieFig

 50 off 1 Easy-Off cooktop or bbq grill cleaner (Mfg)
$50.00 Nov-06-11 1 Household 1 bukibear

 .50 off 2 cups any flavor Yoplait Greek yogurt (Mfg)
$50.00 Oct-08-11 2 Food 2 bukibear

 50 off any 1 Bestlife Buttery spread, spray or baking sticks (Mfg)
$50.00 Nov-06-11 1 Food 1 bukibear

 50 off 1 Cheer product (Mfg)
$50.00 Nov-30-11 1 Laundry 1 bukibear

 $ 50 off on your first Dish bill (Mfg)
        msg me For free coupon
$50.00 Dec-31-15 1 Entertainment 1 audiocima

 $50 off purchase of $100 or more (Mfg)
        Promotional Award card
$50.00 Dec-31-12 1 3.00 Clothes 1 aldoscala

[2]  This is for a free victoria's secret bra up to $45 no purchase necessary. must be redeemed in stores ONLY (Victoria's Secret)
$45.00 No Expr. 45 20.00 Clothes 2 dory1125

[1]  Yoplait Yogurt (SS 2/24) (Mfg)
$40.00 Apr-28-13 6 Food 4 shellyga

 good for one free belly band (Mfg)
        does not cover shipping
$40.00 No Expr. 1 Baby 4 FranGrams36

 Save $40 of prom tux or suit rental (Mens Wearhouse)
        printable or show on smart phone
$40.00 Jun-29-14 1 Clothes 500 prom2K14

 Chuck E Cheese various coupons: Buy 60 Tokens get 30 tokens free for $15, Buy 100 tokens get 60 tokens free, 1 lg pizza 3 soft drinks 30 tokens $19.99, 1 lg pizza 4 soft drinks 55 tokens $25.99 w/100 tokens $31.99 w/120 tokens & wings $39 .99 (Chuck E Cheese)
$39.99 Jun-04-11 1 4.00 Entertainment 4 April76

 Chuck E Cheese various coupons: Buy 60 Tokens get 30 tokens free for $15, Buy 100 tokens get 60 tokens free, 1 lg pizza 3 soft drinks 30 tokens $19.99, 1 lg pizza 4 soft drinks 55 tokens $25.99 w/100 tokens $31.99 w/120 tokens & wings $39 .99 (Chuck E Cheese)
$39.99 Jun-25-11 1 4.00 Entertainment 11 April76

 SAVE UP TO $32 On Regular Admission (ages 12+) (Knott's HangTime)
        Savings based on Regular Front Gate price. Not valid for special ticket events. Applicable taxes and fees apply to online orders.
$32.00 Sep-03-18 1 Entertainment 2 wiccarox101

 2 months or greater starter kit (evivo)
$30.00 Apr-30-21 1 15.00 Baby 1 lovelybri

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